Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/7/13 assignment

2.  fillibuster means talking for a long time.
cloture means is taking a vote.

3.Fillibuster is where you talk for a long time. It is someone trying to get a point out. Some people have talked a long time about something. Rand Paul talked for 13 hours.

4. Did you know that fillibuster means to talk for a long time.
    Did you know cloture means taking a vote.
    Did you know that Rand Paul talked for 13 hours.
    Did you know that Rand Paul started talking on a Wednesday at 11:40 a.m.
    Did you know Rand Paul stopped talking on Thursday at 12:40 a.m.
    Did you know Rand Paul talked as long as he could.
    Did you know Rand Paul was not the longest one that talked.
    Did you know someone beat 13 hours of talking.
    Did you know that Rand Paul talked for 13 hours and he could not sit down.
    Did you know Rand Paul stood for 13 hours.


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