Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5/7/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about a girl in high school that filed a complaint against the principal for not letting her have freedom of speech.

Monday, May 6, 2013

4/29/13 assignment

1. February 23,1999    Galtur Avalanche
      The avalanche in Austria claimed 31 lives. They took six months to piece together what caused the avalanche.It says that it was the nature that caused the avalanche. Everyone thought that the skiing resort of Galtur was considered to be a safe area. It says that small avalanche follows the same route. This was one of the largest avalanche over 40 years. It hit at a small town near the swiss border. Which the population during the ski season is 4,000.It was a 16-foot wall of snow that hit. It was a worse avalanche that hit.

2. September 11,2001    American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into Pentagon
        Flight 77 was the third flight that was hijacked. Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon. The planes was hijacked by five Islamic terrorists less than 35 minutes into the flights. On one of the planes Hani Hanjour who was one of the hijackers was trained as a pilot he took control of the flight. At 9:37 a.m. Eastern Time the aircraft crashed into the western facade. All 64 people on the lane was killed. The k]hijacker was killed to. It also killed 125 people that was in the building. A lot of people witnessed the crash. When the plane hit the Pentagon it ignited a large fire. The part of the Pentagon that was damaged was rebuild in 2002.

3. September 11,2001  flights crashed into the world trade center
        Over 3000 people were killed. This is including 400 police officers and firefighters.At 9:59 a.m. the south tower of the world trade center collapses. At 10:07 a.m. flight 93 the passengers found out about the hijacking and took over the plane and landed it in a field. At 10:28 a.m. the world trade center north side collapses. It collapses 102 minutes after being hit by flight 11.

4. September 7,2004             Hurricane Ivan
      This hurricane had winds of 160mph. This was a category 5 storm. It was one of the strongest storms in the region. It killed at least 68 people.A lot of people was evacuated from there homes.

5. 2005                  Hurricane Katrina
The estimated damaged is 75 billion dollars.This was a bad storm that hit. This hurricane was a bad storm that hit .It was a terrible storm that hit there.

6. 2008                   Hurricane Ike
     This hurricane caused a lot of damaged. It hit in 2008. Hurricane Ike was a category 4.It had winds up to 145 mph.

7.February 27,2010           Earthquake hit chile
     A 8.8 magnitude earthquake hits Chile. It hit on February 27,2010 at 3:34 a.m.
8.2011      Japan's earthquake
      A massive earthquake hit Japan. It was 8.9 magnitude  and it was 6 miles below sea. It triggered a tsunamis of 10meters high above sea level.         
9. The tornode in 2013
it destroyed alot. It injured a lot of people.
10 the storms
    The toranodes that hit and injured alot of people. It injured alot of people.

5/6/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about how the 26 year old that did the boston marathon bombing. His uncle is trying to plan his funeral and noone wants to do the funeral for him.

Friday, May 3, 2013

5/2/13 assignment

The first bellringer is talking about the three people had stuff in there room that lead to their arrest.

The second bellringer is talking one of the one that done the bombing and one of his friends texted him and asked him if he was the one that did it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

4/29/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about a Georgia High School that finally got to have a prom. It says it been over 40 years of making it. Four girls went together and made a facebook page.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4/25/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about banning strapless dresses. They are trying to ban strapless dresses when having dinners at school.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4/10/13 assignment

1.Arend Van Dam - politicalcartoons.com - spending cuts - English - spending cuts, jobs  This looks like it is saying there isn't many jobs.

2. Gary McCoy - Cagle Cartoons - Kim Jong-Un and Rodman COLOR - English - Kim Jong-Un,North Korea,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear,Pyongyang,Kim Jong-un,Kim Jong-il,Brilliant Comrade,Nuclear Threat,Dictator,Despot,Dennis Rodman,Rodman,North Korean Leader,Basketball He don't know what to do.

3.Rick McKee - The Augusta Chronicle - Explosion en Maraton de Boston / COLOR - Spanish - Boston,Maraton,acto,terrorista,terrorismo,bombas,corredores  This is talking about the boston marathon bombing.

4. Nate Beeler - The Columbus Dispatch - Boston First Responders COLOR - English - boston, marathon, bombing, bomb, terrorism, terror, police, first, responder, media, press, right, blame, tea party, conservatives, bias, liberal, extremism, extremist, attack  This is talking about the boston marathon bombing.

4/18/13 bellringer

This bellringer is saying how they will find out who did the boston marthon bombing and they will face justice for what they did.

In this bellringer it is talking about how giving your zip code to people they can get your background information. They can see a lot of things just by using your zip code.

In this bellringer it is saying that manchin is still looking for votes. It is talking about doing farther background checks before you can buy a gun.

4/16/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about the boston marathon bombing that killed three people and injured 176 people. It is saying how they will find out who did it.

4/15/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is saying how the high courts may decide on carry guns outside of the home. It is talking about the second amendment. If they are going to keep it where people can carry guns outside of there house.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4/17/13 assignment

Obama says the one responsible for the bombing will feel the full weight of justice. Obama said that they will find out who did this and why they did it. They say whoever did it will feel full weight of justice. They will be put in jail.





All this websites are talking about the Boston Marathon bombing.

Friday, April 12, 2013

4/12/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is saying they don't know how that guy passed his background check. It says that the guys name was not in the system and it should of been in the system.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4/8/13 assignment

1. More adults text and drive than teenagers does. When you are texting and driving you are 2.distracted. You are not paying attention to the road when you are texting and driving. You can not
3. text and drive. When you are texting and driving you are distracted. When you are texting and
4. driving you are distracted when you are reading the text and texting back.
5. Texting and driving causes a lot wrecks.
6. More adults text and drive.
7. When you text and drive you get distracted.
8. Texting and driving causes a lot of wrecks.
9. You don't need to be driving and texting.
10. You get distracted when you are reading the text.
11. When you are texting back you are getting distracted.
12. They say adults text more than teenagers do.
13. You get distracted when you are texting and driving.
14. So don't text and drive.
15. Texting and driving causes a lot of wrecks.

Monday, April 8, 2013

4/8/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is saying adults text and drive more than teenagers does. It is saying that adults that text has gone up in the last three years. It is saying that adults text and drive more than teenagers does. It says that 39 states has ban texting and driving for all drivers.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

3/27/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about the same gender getting married. It is saying nine states has legalized gay marriage.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/11/13 assignment

A juror job is very important. They have to do a lot of things. They have to talk things over in court. They have to do different things.

A juror job is very important. They have to do a lot. There job is important.Jurors serve in many different courts. There is twelve jurors.

Each of the juror stands as a judge. In any of the trails the jury is the one that is the judge.  There are different types of courts in the United States. 

There are three levels of United States Federal Court system. One of the three levels is the Trail level. The trail level has many different types of courts. Another on of the three levels is the Appellate level. The Appellate level is the United States Court of Appeals. The last level is the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is where the decisions from the Court of Appeals are taken. After the decisions are taken in the Supreme Court they are final.

There are many different types of courts in the United States. In a juror there has to be at least twelve. The role of a juror is to listen to all to evidence. After the juror has listen to all the evidence then the juror has to make a fair judgement. The role of a juror is very important. They have to listen to all the evidence. There job is very important in the legal system. The juror has to listen to all the evidence. After the juror listen to all the evidence they have to make a fair judgement. 

The juror stands as a judge. So the juror has to listen to all the evidence. So they can make a  fair judgement. There are different types of courts in the United States. A juror serves in different courts. There are usually twelve jurors in court or they may have more than twelve in court.

The juror job is very important in the legal system. There are many different types of courts in the United States. The juror job is very important in the legal system. The juror stands as the judge.

3/13/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about the United States Constitution. It is talking about the United States Constitution.

3/11/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about how pocket knives can no longer take down a plane. It is talking about how pocket knives and clubs can no longer take down planes.

3/7/13 assignment

2.  fillibuster means talking for a long time.
cloture means is taking a vote.

3.Fillibuster is where you talk for a long time. It is someone trying to get a point out. Some people have talked a long time about something. Rand Paul talked for 13 hours.

4. Did you know that fillibuster means to talk for a long time.
    Did you know cloture means taking a vote.
    Did you know that Rand Paul talked for 13 hours.
    Did you know that Rand Paul started talking on a Wednesday at 11:40 a.m.
    Did you know Rand Paul stopped talking on Thursday at 12:40 a.m.
    Did you know Rand Paul talked as long as he could.
    Did you know Rand Paul was not the longest one that talked.
    Did you know someone beat 13 hours of talking.
    Did you know that Rand Paul talked for 13 hours and he could not sit down.
    Did you know Rand Paul stood for 13 hours.


3/7/13 bellringers

This bell ringer is saying that Rand Paul took the floor for 13 hours. He said he was going to talk as long as he could talk. He started talking on Wednesday around 11:45 a.m. and he got done talking on Thursday at 12:40a.m.

This bell ringer is talking about Rand Paul. It is saying the time he started talking and the time he got done talking. He talked for 13 hours.

3/5/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about North Korea. It is talking about the war between the North and South Korea.

3/4/13 bellringers

This bell ringer is talking about tax-reform debate.It says in the three biggest breaks they saved 52 billion dollars.

This bell ringer says the wealthy families are already paying some of the biggest federal tax bills. It is talking about taxes.

3/1/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about how Dennis Rodman is North Korean leader. Dennis Rodman is a former NBA star. Dennis Rodman is a basketball fan .

2/28/13 bellringers

this bell ringer is about a teen that suspended over suggested a Harlem Shake video.Over 30 students was suspended over the Harlem shake video. They was suspended for three to five days.

this bell ringer is talking about sexting. It is saying that one in three teenagers have sexted.

This bell ringer is talking about guns.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

2/26/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about sleep texting. It is saying how some people sleep-text. They don't recall sending the text. Some say they don't remember sending that text. They are sleep-texting.

2/25/13 bellringer

This is the house passes pro-gun bill. The bill was passed with a 97-0 votes. It is talking about the pro-gun bill.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2/20/13 bellringer

This is saying do we still need the voting rights act. It is talking about if we still need the voting rights act.

2/19/13 bellringer

It is saying that 15 million people across 800 cities around the world protested the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It is saying people have the duty to defend our nation.

2/14/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about the drops in the U.S. births. It is talking about the birth rate drops.

2/13/13 bellringer

President Obama used 150 words the most in his address. last year Obama focused on the words like 'energy'',"jobs" and"tax". This is talking about words the most obama uses in his address.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

people that made a difference

Martin luther king Jr.
-He had a rough life growing up
-He made his speech on August 28,1963
-He was shot.

Harvey milk
-a lot of different jobs.
-played football in high school.
- he was killed in 1978.

- she worked with x-rays.
- born in egypt.
- she moved to england.

Albert Einstein
-born on march 14,1979.
- he liked music, science.
-he dropped out of high school.

-married at age 14.
-moved to london to study law.
-created a protest.

- refuse to surrender to germany.
-lead britian.

-born may12,1820.
-youngest child of two children.
-by age of sixteen it was clear to her she wanted to be in the field of nursing.

jane goodall
-born april 3.
-she nvered had a pet until age 47.
-she had one cat.

bill gates
-computer programmer.
-first program was tic tac toe at age 13.
-makes 250 dollars a second.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2/12/13 bellringer

It is talking about the nuclear test. It is talking about the nuclear test in North Korea. How they are doing a nuclear test in North Korea.

Monday, February 11, 2013

2/11/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about how president obama has been talking about gun control, and climate change. It is what obama is talking about.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/13 bellringer

This is talking about the 2nd amendment. The second amendment is the right to bear arms. It is talking about the second amendment.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2/6/13 bellringer

This is talking about the digital learning day. This is saying that it is good to use technology. Using technology is a good thing . All schools use technology in classes.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/14/13 bellringer

 This is talking about banning assault weapons. It says you won't be able to buy assault weapons.

1/15/13 bellringer

This is talking about guns. How they are trying to ban some of them.

1/16/13 bellringer

It says the president will being using standard license plate for the District of Columbia. The license plate will have with famously states "Taxation Without Representation." It will be on all presidential vechiles.

1/29/13 bellringer

It was only seven months ago, when the boy scouts affirmed its ban on gays after a nearly two- year examination of the issue by a committee of voklunteers. Some cheered for the announcement. Some people said it would ruin boy scouts.

Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/13 bellringer

It is talking about Hillary Clinton wants to be the next nominee of the Democratic party to be the president. They say the job is hers. She wants to be the president.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/22/13 assignment

The inauguation was on Martin Luther King Jr. birthday. The inauguation is usally on the January 20.