Monday, April 29, 2013

4/29/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about a Georgia High School that finally got to have a prom. It says it been over 40 years of making it. Four girls went together and made a facebook page.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4/25/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about banning strapless dresses. They are trying to ban strapless dresses when having dinners at school.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4/10/13 assignment

1.Arend Van Dam - - spending cuts - English - spending cuts, jobs  This looks like it is saying there isn't many jobs.

2. Gary McCoy - Cagle Cartoons - Kim Jong-Un and Rodman COLOR - English - Kim Jong-Un,North Korea,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear,Pyongyang,Kim Jong-un,Kim Jong-il,Brilliant Comrade,Nuclear Threat,Dictator,Despot,Dennis Rodman,Rodman,North Korean Leader,Basketball He don't know what to do.

3.Rick McKee - The Augusta Chronicle - Explosion en Maraton de Boston / COLOR - Spanish - Boston,Maraton,acto,terrorista,terrorismo,bombas,corredores  This is talking about the boston marathon bombing.

4. Nate Beeler - The Columbus Dispatch - Boston First Responders COLOR - English - boston, marathon, bombing, bomb, terrorism, terror, police, first, responder, media, press, right, blame, tea party, conservatives, bias, liberal, extremism, extremist, attack  This is talking about the boston marathon bombing.

4/18/13 bellringer

This bellringer is saying how they will find out who did the boston marthon bombing and they will face justice for what they did.

In this bellringer it is talking about how giving your zip code to people they can get your background information. They can see a lot of things just by using your zip code.

In this bellringer it is saying that manchin is still looking for votes. It is talking about doing farther background checks before you can buy a gun.

4/16/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about the boston marathon bombing that killed three people and injured 176 people. It is saying how they will find out who did it.

4/15/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is saying how the high courts may decide on carry guns outside of the home. It is talking about the second amendment. If they are going to keep it where people can carry guns outside of there house.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4/17/13 assignment

Obama says the one responsible for the bombing will feel the full weight of justice. Obama said that they will find out who did this and why they did it. They say whoever did it will feel full weight of justice. They will be put in jail.

All this websites are talking about the Boston Marathon bombing.

Friday, April 12, 2013

4/12/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is saying they don't know how that guy passed his background check. It says that the guys name was not in the system and it should of been in the system.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4/8/13 assignment

1. More adults text and drive than teenagers does. When you are texting and driving you are 2.distracted. You are not paying attention to the road when you are texting and driving. You can not
3. text and drive. When you are texting and driving you are distracted. When you are texting and
4. driving you are distracted when you are reading the text and texting back.
5. Texting and driving causes a lot wrecks.
6. More adults text and drive.
7. When you text and drive you get distracted.
8. Texting and driving causes a lot of wrecks.
9. You don't need to be driving and texting.
10. You get distracted when you are reading the text.
11. When you are texting back you are getting distracted.
12. They say adults text more than teenagers do.
13. You get distracted when you are texting and driving.
14. So don't text and drive.
15. Texting and driving causes a lot of wrecks.

Monday, April 8, 2013

4/8/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is saying adults text and drive more than teenagers does. It is saying that adults that text has gone up in the last three years. It is saying that adults text and drive more than teenagers does. It says that 39 states has ban texting and driving for all drivers.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

3/27/13 bellringer

This bell ringer is talking about the same gender getting married. It is saying nine states has legalized gay marriage.