Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/14/13 bellringer

 This is talking about banning assault weapons. It says you won't be able to buy assault weapons.

1/15/13 bellringer

This is talking about guns. How they are trying to ban some of them.

1/16/13 bellringer

It says the president will being using standard license plate for the District of Columbia. The license plate will have with famously states "Taxation Without Representation." It will be on all presidential vechiles.

1/29/13 bellringer

It was only seven months ago, when the boy scouts affirmed its ban on gays after a nearly two- year examination of the issue by a committee of voklunteers. Some cheered for the announcement. Some people said it would ruin boy scouts.

Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/13 bellringer

It is talking about Hillary Clinton wants to be the next nominee of the Democratic party to be the president. They say the job is hers. She wants to be the president.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/22/13 assignment

The inauguation was on Martin Luther King Jr. birthday. The inauguation is usally on the January 20.