Friday, December 14, 2012

12/14/12 bellringer

This is talking about a guy that is selling his last name. He said whoever is the highest bid will get to pick what his last name is. The winning bid is 45,500. His last name was Sadler now it is Headsets.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/13/12 bellringer

It is saying in 2007, 116 troops were dismissed for being out of shape. The figure was a rather massive 1,625.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/3/12 bellringer

I don't think they should add hours to school calendar.

12/4/12 bellringer

A filibuster is an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in legislative.

12/5/12 bellringer

They are wanting to put a end to the ban on women in combat.

12/6/12 bellringer

This is talking about a Grammy Award. It is between Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama.

12/7/12 bellringer

I don't think they should of took pictures of the man about to get hit by the subway. They shouldn't took pictures of that.

12/10/12 bellringer

A 7 year old and a 11 year old boy tried to rob a woman. They wanted her vechile and she told them NO. Then they demanded her cash and phone.

12/11/12 bellringer

It is talking about the Fiscal cliff. When the deadline will be for the fiscal cliff.

12/12/12 bellringer

There was a gas explosion in sissonville. It was a natural gas explosion. It was on I-77. They just reopened the road so they can investigate it.