Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24/12 bellringer

Obama is saying that it is very close.He says it is very close between him and mitt Romney.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/23/12 bellringer

The DMV wants to spend nearly1.4 million.They want to hire 45 new employees. They also want to invest in 3 million over the next five years so they can upgrade its 20-year old computer system.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10/8/12 bellringer

It is talking about the election. It is saying you hear some stuff over and over again.

10/4/12 bellringer

The debate was good.I think Mitt Romney won the debate.Mitt Romney did good at the debate.

10/3/12 bellringer

It says in PA you may have to show photo identification for the next presidential election. I think it would be a good idea.So they know who you are.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16/12 assignment

Focus Question

Did the Virginia Plan give too much power to the national government?

Background Movies

Delegates for a stronger national


Delegates against a stronger national


The Articles of Confederation:

It was the first constitution of the United States.

The Critical Period:

plays an important role in the concept of imprinting.

The Constitutional Convention:

brought the founding fathers together.

The Virginia Plan:

The New Jersey Plan:

it gave the smaller states the same rights as the bigger states.

What have you learned in the

Background Movies that will help you

answer the question?

yes because the states wanted to keep their own power.