Tuesday, August 28, 2012

8-28-12 questions

1. Who are you? how old are you in 1787?
melancton smith,

2.Are you a federalist or anti- federalist?

3. what is your personal history up to 1787?

4.what was your role in constitutiional convention?

5.what stated views would explain your actions during the constitution convention?(use quotation in your answer and cite sources)

6.what is your stance during the ratifications?who supports your viewpoint?

7.what are your views of this new plan of government? what are the benefits or dangers?

Monday, August 27, 2012

8-27-12 notes

   united states constitution
the constitution is signed at the constitutional convention-september17,1787
ratification to improve
Ffederalists-supported the constitiution
  led by-james madison
-james wilson
-rufus king
-roger sherman
-support from washington
-alexander hamilton
-john jay
-george read
-and others
-patrick henry
-george mason
-richard henry lee
-george clinton
-elbridge gerry
-robert yates
-melancton smith
-samuel adams
- and others

the federalists paper- was written by three men the purpose was to convince us to support the constitution.
the constitution says nine states must approve the constitution to become a government
9th-new hampshire
13th-rhode island

bellringer 8-27-12

A texas girl sues burger king because they fired her for wearing a long black skirt. If she told the manager before she came in then they shouldnt of fired her.

Friday, August 24, 2012

civics assignment

1. Define the Constitution…..in your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences)

2. How would your life be without the constitution ?

3. Define the following words:

Ratification- something is formally approved so that it can become valid and implemented.

Faction- a neologism which is used to describe the works based on realistic figures and real events.

Federalism- the federal principle or system of government.

Federalist/ Antifederalist- an advocate or supporter of federalism.

Compromise- an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making confessions.

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)- was a agreement.

Checks and Balances- counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is

Democratic Republic-

Delegated Powers of the Federal Government

Reserved Powers of the State Governments

Separation of Powers

Civil Liberties