Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5/7/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about a girl in high school that filed a complaint against the principal for not letting her have freedom of speech.

Monday, May 6, 2013

4/29/13 assignment

1. February 23,1999    Galtur Avalanche
      The avalanche in Austria claimed 31 lives. They took six months to piece together what caused the avalanche.It says that it was the nature that caused the avalanche. Everyone thought that the skiing resort of Galtur was considered to be a safe area. It says that small avalanche follows the same route. This was one of the largest avalanche over 40 years. It hit at a small town near the swiss border. Which the population during the ski season is 4,000.It was a 16-foot wall of snow that hit. It was a worse avalanche that hit.

2. September 11,2001    American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into Pentagon
        Flight 77 was the third flight that was hijacked. Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon. The planes was hijacked by five Islamic terrorists less than 35 minutes into the flights. On one of the planes Hani Hanjour who was one of the hijackers was trained as a pilot he took control of the flight. At 9:37 a.m. Eastern Time the aircraft crashed into the western facade. All 64 people on the lane was killed. The k]hijacker was killed to. It also killed 125 people that was in the building. A lot of people witnessed the crash. When the plane hit the Pentagon it ignited a large fire. The part of the Pentagon that was damaged was rebuild in 2002.

3. September 11,2001  flights crashed into the world trade center
        Over 3000 people were killed. This is including 400 police officers and firefighters.At 9:59 a.m. the south tower of the world trade center collapses. At 10:07 a.m. flight 93 the passengers found out about the hijacking and took over the plane and landed it in a field. At 10:28 a.m. the world trade center north side collapses. It collapses 102 minutes after being hit by flight 11.

4. September 7,2004             Hurricane Ivan
      This hurricane had winds of 160mph. This was a category 5 storm. It was one of the strongest storms in the region. It killed at least 68 people.A lot of people was evacuated from there homes.

5. 2005                  Hurricane Katrina
The estimated damaged is 75 billion dollars.This was a bad storm that hit. This hurricane was a bad storm that hit .It was a terrible storm that hit there.

6. 2008                   Hurricane Ike
     This hurricane caused a lot of damaged. It hit in 2008. Hurricane Ike was a category 4.It had winds up to 145 mph.

7.February 27,2010           Earthquake hit chile
     A 8.8 magnitude earthquake hits Chile. It hit on February 27,2010 at 3:34 a.m.
8.2011      Japan's earthquake
      A massive earthquake hit Japan. It was 8.9 magnitude  and it was 6 miles below sea. It triggered a tsunamis of 10meters high above sea level.         
9. The tornode in 2013
it destroyed alot. It injured a lot of people.
10 the storms
    The toranodes that hit and injured alot of people. It injured alot of people.

5/6/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about how the 26 year old that did the boston marathon bombing. His uncle is trying to plan his funeral and noone wants to do the funeral for him.

Friday, May 3, 2013

5/2/13 assignment

The first bellringer is talking about the three people had stuff in there room that lead to their arrest.

The second bellringer is talking one of the one that done the bombing and one of his friends texted him and asked him if he was the one that did it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

4/29/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about a Georgia High School that finally got to have a prom. It says it been over 40 years of making it. Four girls went together and made a facebook page.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4/25/13 bellringer

This bellringer is talking about banning strapless dresses. They are trying to ban strapless dresses when having dinners at school.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4/10/13 assignment

1.Arend Van Dam - politicalcartoons.com - spending cuts - English - spending cuts, jobs  This looks like it is saying there isn't many jobs.

2. Gary McCoy - Cagle Cartoons - Kim Jong-Un and Rodman COLOR - English - Kim Jong-Un,North Korea,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear,Pyongyang,Kim Jong-un,Kim Jong-il,Brilliant Comrade,Nuclear Threat,Dictator,Despot,Dennis Rodman,Rodman,North Korean Leader,Basketball He don't know what to do.

3.Rick McKee - The Augusta Chronicle - Explosion en Maraton de Boston / COLOR - Spanish - Boston,Maraton,acto,terrorista,terrorismo,bombas,corredores  This is talking about the boston marathon bombing.

4. Nate Beeler - The Columbus Dispatch - Boston First Responders COLOR - English - boston, marathon, bombing, bomb, terrorism, terror, police, first, responder, media, press, right, blame, tea party, conservatives, bias, liberal, extremism, extremist, attack  This is talking about the boston marathon bombing.